25 Years Experience
in the Processing, Formulation
& Mixing Industry


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Hoben International Cert

Quality Management System
(ISO 9001:2015)

Hoben International holds BSI Certificate No: FM37487 and operates a Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for the following scope: "The manufacture and supply of various mineral products,blended powders, aggregates, mortars (including passive fire protection) and specialist concretes to technical specification and specific customer requirements."

Environmental Management System
(ISO 14001:2015)

Hoben International Processes include the manufacture and supply of various mineral products, blended powers, aggregate. mortars (including passive fire protection) and specialist concretes to technical specifications and specific customer requirements.

Occupational Health & Safety Management System
(OHS 622891)

Hoben International Processes include the manufacture and supply of various mineral products, blended powers, aggregate. mortars (including passive fire protection) and specialist concretes to technical specifications and specific customer requirements.

Hoben Contract Mixing health and safety

Quality, Health & Safety and Environment Policy

Hoben International Processes include the manufacture and supply of various mineral products, blended powers, aggregate. mortars (including passive fire protection) and specialist concretes to technical specifications and specific customer requirements.

Health and Safety Guidance for using Silica Based Products

Long-term exposure to silica dust without adequate protection, caused by tasks such as; handling or using materials containing Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS), or even just sweeping up after a task;can cause silicosis (an irreversible chronic respiratory illness).